Pengaruh Pola Deteriorasi Heterogen Spasial Terhadap Kekuatan dan Daktilitas Pilar Jembatan Beton Bertulang yang Terkorosi
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This research aims to study the effect of corrosion on Reinforced Concrete pillars on the overall seismic performance of the bridge. In this context, after statistical evaluation of a large database of real structures, a consistent series of bridges and piers have been selected as a representative sample of typical bridge profiles, heights and pier cross-sections as well as material properties. First, pushover analysis of isolated pillars with different corrosion patterns and intensities was carried out to evaluate the residual strength and ductility of the corroded pillars. A second, nonlinear static and dynamic seismic analysis of the bridge with corroded piers was carried out to evaluate the effect of deterioration on the overall seismic performance. Due to exposure to certain environmental conditions or water percolation from the superstructure, it often happens that corrosion is not evenly distributed over the pillars resulting in a spatially inhomogeneous deterioration pattern. Nonlinear modeling of this type of situation presents special challenges related to the description of deterioration patterns and the calibration of material properties. To this end, a multi-level modeling approach based on fiber-based finite elements has been developed and implemented in custom Open Sees Py software that allows users to accurately model RC piers subject to arbitrary corrosion patterns, up to their ultimate limit state. The results show that depending on the intensity and pattern, significant variations of strength and ductility can be observed with respect to the undamaged condition.
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