Analisis Lanjutan Distribusi Tegangan Sisa dan Keausan Pahat Milling pada Pemesinan Keras
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Milling is an irreplaceable technology for finishing turbo engine components made of nickel-based alloys. The aim of the research is to increase the understanding of the special effects of changes caused by wear and tear on the tool geometry and the residual stress on the stress distribution in the cutting section of the milling tool. This publication presents a method for considering residual cutting tool stress and tool wear in a 2D FEM chip shaping model for a d tailed analysis of specific tool fail re phenomena in the milling process. To represent the residual stress depth distribution in the uncoated tool surface layer in the simulation, residual stress measurements on the milling tool were carried out. Tool ear is accounted for by adapting the cutting tool geometry. Changes in geometry are ased on measurements of the widt of the wing wear area and the radius of the cutting edge. Principal stresses and von Mises equivalent stress distributions are analyzed. The methods described can enhance the understanding of the effect of surface coatings on milling tool life. With decreasing chip thickness, one second, a more localized zone of tensile stress forms beneath the rake face, which can be critical in terms of fracture. With compressive residual stresses and with increasing flange wear, these critical tensile stresses are reduced or even eliminated.
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